Provision of Promotional Merchandise
The BBC has a requirement for the provision of promotional merchandise, where a supplier can provide the BBC with branded promotional items for use in our marketing and communication campaigns. These items are to be given away to external audiences and members of the public at various exhibitions, outreach campaigns and other events, with the intention of promoting the various brands, messages, content and corporate identities of the BBC. There also may be occasions where these products will be distributed internally, for example, as desktop collateral for internal communications or for training courses. The BBC counts approximately 20,000 employees spread across 72 English locations (including the Channel Islands), 16 Scottish locations, 10 Welsh locations and 6 Northern Ireland locations, and the requirement will be to cover all these territories, along with any future BBC locations that may arise during the life of the new contract. However, we envisage that the majority of the delivery points will remain within mainland UK. A full list of all BBC locations can be found in Appendix 5 - BBC Locations. The BBC spend on Promotional Merchandise is allocated to support the various BBC learning and educational campaigns, pan BBC marketing initiatives, and to promote local radio stations and news programmes that cover the length and breadth of the UK. Products The main product sub-categorisation is listed below, however, this list is not exhaustive and the contract will require products that will fall outside of this list: - Branded Clothing: T-Shirts, Fleeces, Caps, Beanies, Anoraks, Polo Shirts, Fleeces, Jackets, Hooded Tops, Sweat Shirts etc. - Branded Desktop Items: Mouse mats, PC/Laptop accessories, iPhone/iPad accessories - Branded Mugs: porcelain, stainless steel, bone china, ceramic, budget ceramic - Branded USB drives: various designs and memory sizes -Branded Bags: canvas tote bags, reusable shopping bags, conference bags, gift bags etc. - Branded Accessories: umbrellas, lanyards, wristbands, fridge magnets, travel accessories, trophies (including engraving) and key rings.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79342200 - Promotional services.
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors