
Provision of Refurbishment and Fit Out Services of Churchgate Presentation Suite


The Growth Company (GC) is tendering for the refurbishment and fit out of a presentation suite, adjoining corridor and lobby area located within Churchgate House, 56 Oxford Road, Manchester, M1 6EU and invites suppliers to express their interest in the opportunity and submit a pre-qualification questionnaire. This requirement is for the refurbishment and fit out of a space that is currently used to deliver training to our students and clients and as a meeting space for external visitors and internal staff. The space requires refurbishment in order to bring the space up to date and to improve the room acoustics due to noise bleed from busy Oxford Road traffic. We are looking for a professional and experienced fit out provider to provide a complete refurbishment of the space in accordance with project timescales and budget. We aim to transform the space in order to achieve the following: -Professional look and feel to accommodate our students and external clients -Fully adaptable to allow the space to be split into two separate meeting rooms -A refresh of the corridor leading to the presentation suite -A refurbishment of the lobby area -Installation of sound proofing to improve the acoustics in the suite The successful provider/s will provide a high quality finish to fulfil out ambition to create a presentation suite that will benefit our student and client experience. You are hereby invited to express your interest in this tender and submit a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) for the above services. The tender documentation contain key instructions and information for submitting your PQQ, and provides an overview of the tender process, evaluation and key requirements. Responses to the PQQ will be used as the first step to select suppliers to participate in the invitation to tender process. Following the evaluation of PQQ submissions, a full Invitation to Tender (ITT) will be issued to shortlisted providers. You are required to make your PQQ submission via the GC In-tend e-tendering platform. You are required to complete a basic registration as a supplier on the In-tend Supplier Platform at the following web address: Please note that all mandatory fields (highlighted in yellow on the In-Tend Portal) must be completed in order to register your organisation. Once registered, you must log into the system, express your interest in the opportunity on In-Tend and automatically download the PQQ documentation. Your PQQ submission will be made on the In-tend Portal. Submissions must be submitted in the required format and be returned by 10.00 AM Thursday 31st August 2017.


Published Date :

16th Aug 2017 7 years ago

Deadline :

31st Aug 2017 7 years ago

Contract Start :

9th Oct 2017

Contract End :

1st Dec 2017

Tender Regions

CPV Codes

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Status :


Assign to :

Tender Progress :



Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors