Provision of Research Services for Migrant Victims of Modern Slavery
The Greater London Authority [team] is seeking an organisation(s) to work in partnership with the GLA to provide Research Services for Migrant Victims of Modern Slavery The tender is published under Light Touch Regime (Schedule 3 Services Under PCR 2015). See overview below and attached service specification for further detail. Purpose: The Greater London Authority (GLA) is working to deliver on the Mayor's commitment to champion migrant rights and protect them from labour exploitation . We understand exploitation as a continuum of experiences that culminates in modern slavery and trafficking at its sharpest end. As part of this work, we are seeking to commission research to develop an evidence-based London response to access to protection for survivors of modern slavery . This research forms part of a two-year programme ('The Programme') that will also seek to develop, and then trial new ways of working, with the aim to ensure that all victims and survivors can report crimes and access support as victim and survivors first. Objectives: The key objectives of The Programme are: • To develop a blueprint for a holistic secure reporting pilot in London, that includes MOPAC, the Met and other key stakeholders across London. • To improve statutory services' engagement with migrant communities in London, particularly people with insecure immigration status. • To enhance London's response to the continuum of exploitation, by building up knowledge of the links between abuse and criminal forms of exploitation and human trafficking. • To achieve a better understanding of the barriers that victims face in reporting and engaging with first responders/services in London and identify what is needed to overcome these. • To ensure that all victims can report crimes and safeguarding issues to be able to access support as victims first.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
73110000 - Research services
75200000 - Provision of services to the community
Status :
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Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors