Provision of Sandwell Children's Trust for a Children with Disabilities (CWD) and Children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) Senior Consultant
Quotation for the provision of Sandwell Children's Trust for a Children with Disabilities (CWD) and Children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) Senior Consultant The Trust has produced an Improvement Plan for its Children's Services division. There is a national review of services to children with disabilities and complex health needs specifically those placed in residential settings. A subsequent part of the review will be to consider the workforce sufficiency focusing on its suitability, training, and support. Ofsted considered the quality of intervention, support and service provision to children with disabilities and identified that this is a cohort of children that require improvements in how their needs are responded to, specifically minimising drift and delay in planning for those children with disabilities who are looked after. A holistic review of systems and processes, as well as quality and performance reviews are required to address the improvements required are progressed. There has been a national consultation around new legislation and guidance that will come into force in 2023 (Liberty Protection Safeguards) that will require a multi-agency approach, with a specific reference for the Trust on 16 and 17-year olds. Care packages to children with disabilities, and especially those with complex needs account for the majority of the Trust's high cost placements, so ensuring that there is a review of processes, especially around joint funding arrangements and monitoring of these with partners is required. The Council will be using the In-tend e-Tendering System for this Procurement exercise, please visit to access the Sandwell MBC In-tend Supplier Portal. From here you will be able to register your company, express an interest in the opportunity, and gain immediate access to Quotation or other related documents. To submit a quotation you will be required to 'Opt In'. For a Step by Step user guide to the Sandwell MBC In-tend Supplier Portal please click on the `Guidance for Suppliers` section of the website. All procurement responses must be carried out via the Sandwell MBC In-tend Supplier Portal. If you require further assistance in respect of the system please contact the In-tend support team on 0844 272 8810. Closing date: 20 February 2023 at 15:00hrs
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
33196200 - Devices for the disabled
35800000 - Individual and support equipment
35820000 - Support equipment
79612000 - Placement services of office-support personnel
76460000 - Well-support services
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors