Provision of satellite-based systems and services as part of an R&D In-Orbit Demonstration of Quantum Key Distribution - AWARD
The UK Quantum Communications Hub, led by the University of York, and part of the UK National Quantum Technologies Programme, is developing a quantum science payload for a satellite-to-ground In-Orbit Demonstration (IOD). The IOD is an R&D mission, whose main focus is the payload, which includes novel quantum key distribution sources communicating with corresponding receivers in a dedicated Hub Optical Ground station in the UK adapted for the purpose. Suppliers are invited to submit proposals for the satellite, systems, and services required to deliver and support the IOD. The requirement includes a dedicated or shared satellite host for the payload, operating in Low Earth Orbit; integration and testing of the payload in the satellite. A launch and early operations phase (LEOP) is also required, together with post-LEOP satellite operations for the duration of the IOD, which is expected to last for least 12 months.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
60510000 - Satellite launch services
32534000 - Satellite platforms
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors