Provision of School Catering Services.
The successful tenderer will be required to provide catering services at Deansfield Community School, Wolverhampton.Full details in relation to Deansfield Community School can be found at: http://www.deansfieldcommunityschool.netThe latest Ofsted report finding may be viewed at: catering service provision at Deansfield Community School has not been market tested in recent years and to ensure Best Value principles are applied the Head Teacher and School Governors have made a decision to tender the catering service.This has been driven in turn by BFE funding for a totally new build of the School which will be completed in August 2015 in readiness for the start of the autumn term.Current roll numbers are 450 but the new school will have capacity for up to 900 students. It is envisaged that roll numbers will increase to circa 600 students during the contract term.Current turnover figures are circa 130 000 GBP — 150 000 GBP per annum and it should be noted that the School has a very stringent Gated Policy.Seven staff are currently employed by the incumbent contractor to manage and oversee the catering service and therefore TUPE Regulations will apply to this contract. Current uptake levels are below 50 % and the School firmly believes that with improved choice and quality there is a real opportunity to increase this level of uptake. In addition to this the new facility should assist with this key objective.The successful contractor will be expected to deliver a concise and detailed method of management reporting at the end of each month, thus updating the senior management team within the School on contract performance. It is imperative that an Open Book Policy is offered to ensure the School has total clarity on financial performance.We are seeking both innovation and the application of current food trends within the tender submissions and would expect as a result of this to be able to identify ‘best value' and work in partnership with the chosen contractor going forward.The School has set three key objectives which should be focused upon throughout the tender process. They are:— Delivery of a quality driven service to meet the aspirations of the new build;— To introduce a bespoke service offer to students and staff of the School;— To engage with students, staff, parents and guardians throughout the contract term to ensure their catering requirements are met and the service reflects Value for Money.The contract being tendered is for three years in duration from 1.9.2015 until 31.8.2018.The contract will be fixed price with the contractor invoicing the client for one-twelfth of the annual cost on a monthly basis. Free School Meals and any ad hoc catering requirements will be invoiced in addition to this.Whilst the monthly charge will represent one-twelfth of the contract cost, a reconciliation will take place monthly to reconcile the actual operating financial result.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
55524000 - School catering services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors