Provision of Seal and Cetacean Monitoring in Ramsey Sound and Environs, Pembrokeshire
You are invited to submit a quotation to provide Seal and Cetacean Monitoring in Ramsey Sound and Environs, Pembrokeshire to LCRI Marine (Low Carbon Research Institute) at Swansea University.LCRI Marine at Swansea University requires the continuation and expansion of seal and cetacean monitoring services in Ramsey Sound and Environs, Pembrokeshire to the end of March 2013. Within this quotation, we are seeking proposals that will undertake the following:•Seal pup production monitoring using the standard monitoring sites and methods as applied in the CCW SAC reporting season 2005 (Strong et al., 2006) for months August through December 2012. Interim reporting Nov 30th 2012. Final report, March 29th 2013; •Complement the pup production monitoring with sampling that will allow assessment of the geographic range and calibration of the sample sites as an index of the productive population. This to cover the early, mid and late pupping season and will require use of a boat. Interim reporting February 28th 2013. Final report, March 29 2013.; •Include monitoring of winter seal haul out sites. Key mainland haul out sites to be monitored twice monthly from November 2012 through March 2013. Inaccessible and island sites to be monitored from boat. Interim reporting February 28th 2013. Final report, March 29 2013 ;•Analyse sighting data provided by third party marine energy device developer (via Swansea University) for cetaceans (and seals) for Ramsey Sound and the immediate surrounding area; Analysis for abundance and distribution in relation to factors such as tide, time of day and season; Interim reporting September 21st 2012. Final report, March 29 2013.•Investigate the ‘ground truthing’ of surface behaviours with vocalisation data in Ramsey Sound, the immediate surrounding area and at potential renewable energy deployment sites. This will require collection of data using suitable hydrophone equipment, with synchronised sightings data collection, on a monthly basis over a period of six months. Hydrophone will require use of suitable boat. Interim reporting January 31st 2013. Final report, March 29 2013
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
98361000 - Aquatic marine services
73210000 - Research consultancy services
73112000 - Marine research services
3310000 - Fish, crustaceans and aquatic products
71354500 - Marine survey services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors