Provision of Services for the Evaluation of PREVENT Local Projects in 2017/18 That Aim To Increase Individuals' Understanding of Radicalisation
The Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism (OSCT) in the Home Office, works to counter the threat from terrorism. Prevent is part of our counter-terrorist strategy, CONTEST . The aim of the Prevent Strategy is to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. A fundamental part of delivering these objectives and countering local threats is our work with civil society organisations (CSOs) in local communities. A key strand of this is working with these organisations to deliver projects which aim to Increase individuals' understanding of radicalisation by increasing the knowledge and awareness of the causes and signs of radicalisation, and the appropriate support and actions to take. Evaluating these projects is a key priority for OSCT. We are keen to build our understanding of what impacts these projects have for people who participate on them, why these impacts may or may not occur, how projects effectively deliver to local communities and what constitutes a successful Prevent project. This evaluation work is crucial for informing ongoing and future delivery, key policy planning decisions, and also developing the evidence base on what works in this area and why. We are looking to fund a number of project evaluations during the course of this Agreement. We would expect project evaluations to include both impact and process evaluation to better understand whether projects are successful or not, whether they are being delivered effectively and how they could be improved. Projects that aim to increase individuals' understanding of radicalisation typically work with people who are in contact with those who may be at risk from radicalisation. They aim to give these people the knowledge and skills to identify radicalisation at an early stage, and help them understand the appropriate support and/or actions to take. There are a range of local Prevent projects being delivered in 2017/18, and evaluation of these projects will be allocated to the supplier once appointed. Proposals should demonstrate a degree of flexibility in their methodology given that projects vary in scale, length and who they work with.
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1 Possible Competitors