Provision of Support for the Wear Debris Management System.
Computer configurations. Software package and information systems. Industry specific software package. Aviation ground support software package. Ad-hoc WDMS Post Design Services (PDS)Tasking. The contractor shall provide quotations for WDMS PDS software maintenance tasks and improvements to the WDMS application as requested by the Project Manager (AIME2). The ad-hoc tasking activities shall include:I. Provide support for the planned incorporation of and fielding of minor changes to WDMS, the requirement for which has been brought about by the in-service experience of the operation of WDMS.II. Assist in maintaining an effective software development environment for the WDMS web based application though debugging the existing software.III. Manage configuration control issues and ensure compatibility is maintained for the COTS software are items used in the application development.IV. Pro-actively identify any obsolescence issues associated with WDMS.V. Provide support for the planned fielding of any defect rectification required for the application.VI. Provide support for the planned fielding of any urgent operational requirements that may occur and may require changes to the application.b. There is no Core PDS. All activities will be based on a demand basis.. Wear Debris Management System (WDMS) - This is a Windows forms application which is used to support the end to end Wear Debris Analysis (WDA) process, as applied to military aircraft. WDMS supports the registration of samples, the recording of analysis results and the dissemination of advice and recommendations relating to air safety and the continuing airworthiness of aircraft subject to monitoring.. WDA sample types include oil samples, magnetic debris probe samples and filter samples. WDMS also allows images of debris from microscope mounted cameras to be stored in JPEG format.. WDMS also includes a web application, used by aircraft operators to remotely register samples on to the system. This is accessible by MoD users through the Defence Information Infrastructure (DII) portal. This allows samples to be tracked during the analysis and reporting stages. Sample results are promulgated via tailored emails or downloaded by stakeholders as bespoke database reports.. The centralized database enables access to all Wear Debris Analysis (WDA) information from anywhere on the MoD's internal network. The system provides a standard way of submitting and reporting WDA information across all aircraft platforms. The information collected is used for reviewing aircraft engine and transmission systems with a view to monitoring fault trends and improving system reliability.. The current WDMS application was first developed almost 20 years ago. The software development languages used for database connectivity and the application elements have obsolescence issues.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
48000000 - Software package and information systems
48100000 - Industry specific software package
30211400 - Computer configurations
48131000 - Aviation ground support software package
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors