Provision of the Secondary Transfer Test and Test Administration Services
The Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools (TBGS) is a company set up by the 13 grammar schools in Buckinghamshire in order to commission, manage and administer the Buckinghamshire Secondary Transfer Test which is used to determine the suitability of children for a place at a Buckinghamshire grammar school. The Test is taken by approximately 10,000 children each year at the start of the Autumn term when they are in Year 6. Pupils take the test at their own primary school in or just outside the County of Buckinghamshire or at one of the Buckinghamshire grammar schools.TBGS is seeking suppliers to provide the following services:1. Secondary Transfer Test Provision: including test development, printing and delivery and collection of test materials to test centres, marking tests and producing results data.2. Test Administration Services: including registration of children for testing, allocating children to test centres, issuing results, selection reviews and communications with parents, schools and test centres.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80100000 - Primary education services
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors