Provision of the:Design, Engagement, Consultation & Delivery of The Barnsley 2030 Vision, Ambitions & Outcomes
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (the Council) is looking to establish a contract with a Provider to support the set-up, design, engagement, consultation and delivery of the Barnsley 2030 vision, ambitions and outcomes. This is a borough wide project that will shape the future story and strategy of Barnsley. We need to make sure that we have wider partner, voluntary and business community ownership for the plan. We know that long term, sustainable change doesn't happen overnight. Our new plan should take this into account and look at where we want Barnsley to be in ten years' time. The plan must include: •a vision - what the organisation does and what it wants to do to make lives better for its residents •a set of clear ambitions and outcomes underpinned by data and intelligence •the reality of how it is now for the organisation, its employees and residents •a clear strategic narrative - a golden thread running through the story •a human focus - using language that's emotional and passionate about the place and people who live and visit the borough.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors