Provision of Transcripts to Courts
The Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) are seeking to procure an audio transcription service for a period of two years starting 0n 1 April 2019, with the option to renew for a further 24 months. The successful contractor will demonstrate that it has the capacity and resource to offer a high quality transcription service which can respond to the fluctuating demands of the contract. Verbatim transcripts, produced in the SCTS style and certified by suitably qualified BPSS vetted transcribers, are required of civil/criminal proceedings and fatal accident inquiries held in the High Court, Court of Session, Sheriff Courts and Justice of the Peace Courts throughout Scotland. Transcripts will be produced from both analogue and digital audio formats and delivered in both hard copy and electronic formats. Transcript turnaround times vary from 24 hours to 15 working days. Material supplied by the SCTS is to be stored securely and handled responsibly whilst in the contractor’s custody and in compliance with Data Protection legislation. A robust management regime that meets regularly with the SCTS, provides continuous improvement to the services, detailed monitoring and performance reporting is expected to be maintained throughout the life of the contract
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Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
72261000 - Software support services
Status :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors