Provision Of Workshops For Hull Business Energy Efficiency Scheme 2021
the tender will cover the provision of a programme of workshop delivery targeted at small and medium sized businesses to focus on energy efficency The workshops will be a mix of full day and half day events with a professional speaker and webinars The workshop programme shall involve the provision of a series of Full Day (8 hours), half day (4 hours) face-to-face workshops plus One to One and One to Many Masterclasses (2 hours) and Webinars (2 hours). The Hull Business Energy Efficiency Scheme Programme Management Team shall be responsible for registering the event on Eventbrite and for managing the bookings. They shall also undertake a range of marketing activities to promote the workshops / masterclasses to potential beneficiaries. For each workshop / masterclass / webinar, the Service Provider shall be required to do the following as part of each workshop / masterclass and webinar: •Provide details of the workshop content to the HBEES Programme Management Team to enable the promotion of the event on Eventbrite and through other channels •Support the Programme Management Team with the marketing of the workshop to their networks and databases •Book venues and arrange suitable catering and refreshments •Ensure that all venues are COVID -19 safe and in line with Government guidelines •Facilitate Webinars •Provide staff to manage the set-up of the room, signing-in process and running of the workshop •Provide an expert speaker / facilitator to deliver the required Workshop / Masterclass / Webinar topic •Provide all relevant supporting documents and materials for participants •Gather participant feedback / evaluation forms A minimum number of participants per half and full day workshop will be set at 6 people, though this can be reviewed in exceptional circumstances. Two hour focused sessions will be either on a One to One or One to Many basis with the SME businesses identified for support to be determined by the HBEES Programme Management Team. Attendee numbers for Webinars will be reviewed 3 days prior to assess the value of proceeding. To Apply: Full details are within the tender documents published on Yortender DN535328 Visit it is free to register and search for the opportunity DN535328
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors