
Provison of evidence based Parenting Programmes.


The service provider's main purpose will be to deliver evidence based parenting courses following the named programmes. In addition to direct course delivery, they will develop pre and post course support to parents in line with regional and borough-wide developments; provide support to partner agencies co-delivering parenting courses; and support the integration and implementation of the parenting support offer in Tameside (awareness raising, referral path-ways etc).The provider will be expected to encourage a ‘Peer to Peer' support model for parents as part of the post course support, ensure that support is offered at the 6 week post course period.Expected Outcomes:— Improve outcomes for children and young people and their families living in Tameside through the provision of evidence based programmes of support that will enhance their parenting skills and improve parent-child relationships.— Improve early attachments and support for families.— In the long term; contributing to a reduction in the incidences of anti-social behaviour of children and young people and supporting improvement of outcomes within the Complex/ Troubled Families criteria.— Parents who have completed courses will sustain parenting skills for longer.— Parents will become less dependent on services by using a ‘Peer to ‘Peer model.Parenting Course DeliveryFor the duration of the funding period (1.4.2014 - 31.3.2017; (36 months), the service provider will ensure the co-ordination and delivery of focused evidence based parenting courses following the course models. Focussed course delivery will not be the sole responsibility of the service provider; Early Support and specialist services will also provide some direct delivery of focussed courses.Through direct course delivery the service provider will reach 90+ parents that meet the referral pathway criteria.The service provider will make sure there are mechanisms in place to guarantee quality of service provision, and availability to all parents in Tameside who need to access evidence based course. Through the targeted pathwayThe Provision of Facilitator SupportThe service provider will ensure there is support available for all facilitators delivering / co-delivering courses, recognising this as a crucial element to successful course delivery. This will include working closely with all staff from partner agencies co-delivering with service provider staff.A key element of facilitator support will be to take a lead role in ensuring there are dedicated resources available for the organisation; planning, assessment and evaluation of focussed courses. The service provider will make certain that the support provided will enable practitioners to deliver quality courses that will be evaluated in accordance with the national evaluation, and will best support the parents accessing them.The Provision of Pre and Post Course Parent SupportThe service provider will ensure there is a framework in place to offer a continuum of support to parents both before their allocated course, and continued support after their course is complete.Pre-course support will offer parents the opportunity to build their confidence and understanding of the course they will be attending through contact with one of the course facilitators, with particular focus on the benefits that there will be to them and their family.Post-course support will allow parents to sustain and develop their learning. This will include opportunities for them to attend follow-up sessions after 6 weeks then 3 months, also included will be access to telephone, email, Text or Facebook contact if needed. In addition the service provider will help to navigate and link parents into existing universal provision available through their local children's centre/extended school network, providing added value and ongoing support.


Published Date :

15th Jan 2014 11 years ago

Deadline :

5th Feb 2014 11 years ago

Contract Start :


Contract End :


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Status :


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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors