PS22169 Business readiness of UK-based importers and international manufacturers of goods requiring UKCA marking for sale in the GB market RAF011/2223
***THIS IS NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION**** This contract has been awarded. Aims and Objectives of the Project The aim of this project is to gain in-depth insight into whether international manufacturing businesses and the UK-based importers of their goods are aware of the new UKCA requirements, whether they are acting on them, the sort of challenges/barriers they face in adjusting to these changes and whether businesses have access to the relevent conformity assessment services if they need them. This information will help BEIS to address the question of whether non-UK manufacturing businesses and their UK-based importers are ready for the new UKCA requirements. It will also aid in addressing questions on the extent to disruptions to the economy and supply chains that could occur by the end of standstill (1 January 2023). There is a legal obligation for UK-based importers of non-UK manufactured goods to ensure correct product marking (if required). Therefore, this research will focus on gaining information on the readiness of UK-based importers and through them the readiness of non-UK manufactures for UKCA.
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1 Possible Competitors