PS21119 Knowledge exchange: thematic analysis of accountability information
***THIS IS NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION**** This contract has been awarded. Aims and Objectives of the Project The aim of this study is to provide evidence, insights and conclusions on the use of HEIF and to increase Research England's evidence base (for near term needs) on the use of HEIF and inform future HEIF policy development. The project will have the following specific objectives: •Deliver and agree a methodology to undertake a detailed analysis of the following documents submitted by 109 higher education providers in receipt of HEIF in 2019-20: oHEIF Interim accountability information submitted via the 2019-20 HEIF annual monitoring statement oImpact of Covid information submitted via the 2019-20 HEIF annual monitoring statement oHEIF Accountability Statements 2021-22 to 2024-21 oHEIF case studies submitted alongside the HEIF Accountability Statements oHEIF Expenditure tables submitted through HEIF annual monitoring in 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20. •To deliver a searchable database of information from coded analysis of the narrative information. The analysis should have a focus on providing numerical data. For example number of HEIF supported staff directly supporting technology transfer, or number of students directly benefiting from HEIF supported activity. •To deliver a menu and body of professionally formatted succinct visual sound bites derived from the documentation such as: oNumerical facts oGraphs / diagrams / infographics oSuccinct edited case studies oVisual maps, presenting numerical data (from expenditure tables and/or coding of narrative data) such as number of HEPs referring technology transfer expenditure in different regions. •To deliver an analysis of the expenditure tables submitted within the HEIF annual monitoring statement to include aspects such as the following: oTrends over time between expenditure categories and/or infrastructure categories. oExpenditure comparisons / trends by KEF cluster oExpenditure comparisons / trends by region oComparison with future spending plans (as provided in the accountability statement) •Produce an overview report which describes what circa £1bn of HEIF over 5 years will fund in terms of activities and institutional developments, the alignment of these activities and developments with key priority/theme areas, and how funds will be managed to achieve efficiency and effectiveness; and comment on the value and impact of the programme overall, such as good practice and innovative KE examples.
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1 Possible Competitors