PS22482 - The provision of an independent national body to deliver the vision of the national electrification skills framework and forum - RFP
***** THIS IS AN AWARD NOTICE, NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION ***** This procurement is being concluded following a competitive procurement exercise. Brief Description of Requirement Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation, seeks to fund an independent national body to administer and govern the vision for a NESFF as set out in the report. To date the NESFF has been led by WMG. Now we are seeking to fund dedicated resource to support the continued development and, most importantly, the implementation of NESFF. This intervention is needed to ensure that sufficient resource is allocated to enable the UK to continue to develop and deliver the vision of NESFF. The reason for this intervention is to therefore provide the dedicated, independent resource to deliver the vision for NESFF, which would not be possible otherwise as there is currently no solely dedicated resource to lead this activity. The role of this funded body will be to ensure that the main stakeholders are brought together to support the most pressing electrification skills needs. Battery and power electronics, machines and drives (PEMD) manufacturing must be included in this initially funded period (other electrification technology areas may form part of the work but battery and PEMD manufacturing must be addressed). The independent national body will ensure that main stakeholders are engaged through the forum aspect. The framework aspect will involve continual horizon scanning and stakeholder engagement to identify areas of priority across all relevant technologies and sectors (manufacturing of batteries, power electronics, machines and drives for transport applications must be included) and develop the workforce development framework to enable these technologies to be delivered.
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1 Possible Competitors