PS23292 - The Provision of Space Surveillance and Tracking Services Data - GEO
***** THIS IS AN AWARD NOTICE, NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION ***** This procurement is being concluded following a mini competition under the Crown Commercial Services - Space-Enabled and Geospatial Services - RM6235 Scope The UK Space Agency, on behalf of HMG, invite suppliers to submit tenders for the provision of SST data, by which we mean data related to the position, velocity or trajectory of objects in orbit provided by sensors such as (but not limited to) telescopes, radars or laser. This does not include other Space Situational Awareness (SSA) data, for example space weather or near-earth object data. The UK currently licences a global satellite fleet of 783 satellites. This comprises of 683 satellites in low earth orbit (LEO), and 100 satellites in Higher Orbits (HO) comprising 24 satellites in medium earth orbit (MEO) and 70 satellites in geostationary orbit (GEO) and 6 in Geostationary Transfer Orbits (GTO). UKSA requires data to survey and track this satellite fleet and any catalogued Resident Space Object (RSO) which may have a perceived risk of being a hazard or threat to a UK space object. To be clear, this will include non-UK RSO catalogued objects and objects that may not yet be catalogued, e.g. fragmentation events.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
72300000 - Data services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors