PS22299 - UKRI North America: Demonstrating Value 15th Anniversary Impact Report - MC
***** THIS IS AN AWARD NOTICE, NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION ***** This procurement is being concluded following a mini competition under the Crown Commercial Services RM6126 Research and Insights DPS Brief Description of Requirement By March 2023 this contract will successfully deliver a written report with accompanying data and graphical input (ready for the design work) for a suite of communications materials representing the evolution and impact of the UKRI North America Office over its 15-year existence, celebrating its relationships with key stakeholders and the partnerships they've nurtured. These will be ready for their celebration anniversary campaign in June 2023. Specific outputs required are: - A full written report including supporting data and graphical input, ready for the design work - Interview scripts for interviews with key stakeholders - Snapshot leaflets with key information - Material for social media campaign including Twitter cards - Material for a PowerPoint pack summarising the report The outputs will be tailored to be presented, communicated and publicised to the following target audiences: - North American partner agencies - North American governments (Federal, State, Provincial) - HMG US and Canada networks (UK government consulates, Embassy and High Commission) - UK government in the UK - UKRI and other UK funders - Research community in US, Canada and UK
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CPV Codes
79310000 - Market research services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors