PS21328 - UKRI Sciencewise public dialogue on genome editing in farmed animals
** Please note this is not a call for competition. This is a PIN notice for a UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) requirement** This project aims to provide findings from a deliberative public dialogue on genome editing in farmed animals (GEFA) commissioned by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics (NCOB), the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and UKRI's Sciencewise programme, that will have impacts on subsequent GEFA applications and wider implications for key stakeholders and policymakers. The research will increase understanding of how citizens prioritise different values and considerations with respect to genome editing in farmed animals; interrogate assumptions which may influence opinions on this topic; and identify potential points of consensus and disagreement among members of the public. The proposed funding range is up to £204k excluding VAT. UKRI are looking to hold a pre-market engagement session on 27 January 2022, 10:30 - 12:30 via MS Teams. The session will provide an opportunity for potential bidders to find out more about the aims of the procurement and the process. The agenda for the day is as follows: •Welcome & Introductions (UKRI) •Overview of the requirement (Presentation - UKRI) •Procurement approach and process (UK SBS) •Discussion / Q&A (All) Route to Market: Please note that the route to market will be competed via the CCS Research & Insights DPS (RM6126) framework ( to bid for this work the supplier will have to be registered on the CCS Research & Insights DPS (RM6126) prior to the requirement being launched. Registration for the DPS (RM6126) framework: Please note there is an SLA of 15 days for supplier registration which is managed by CCS. The registration link can be found below: Please do allow time to complete this as we cannot allow you access to the tender documentation if you have not registered prior to the requirement being launched. Registration for the pre-market engagement session: If you wish to attend the session please can you register your interest in attending by emailing for the attention of Kallista Thomas by 26th January 2022 at 15.00 stating the name, company and email. Please ensure that the subject heading for the email is as follows: PS21328 - UKRI Sciencewise public dialogue on genome editing in farmed animals pre-market engagement session.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors