PT1152 Wiltshire Council Passenger Transport Small and Specialist Vehicle Framework to Conduct Reverse E-Auctions
The provision of a framework to conduct reverse e-auctions for Wiltshire Council Passenger Transport. Wiltshire Council (the 'Council') intends to establish a framework to enable the procurement of passenger transport services for small and specialist vehicles below 16 seats. These requirements will cover the whole of Wiltshire and also cover some out of county journeys. The Council's main aim is to appoint multiple suppliers to the framework for the provision of passenger transport services. Small and specialist vehicles covers:, — special educational needs transport — post-16 educational transport -— adult and child social care transport — demand responsive transport -— mainstream home to school transport., There will be 1 category on the framework. The mini-competitions run under this requirement will be: Reverse E-Auction mini-competitions — suppliers will receive pre e-auction email a minimum of 24 hours prior to the e-auction going live. Suppliers will be required to sign in and register their intent to bid on the auction prior to the e-auction going live. These will be small to large value mini-competitions as part of the PTU tender programme, where routes will be tendered by area over a potential 3-year cycle. This may also include some routes or contracts which have been handed back, new requirements and changes with passengers or passenger assistants. They will have contract lengths that allow them to be aligned with the 3-year phase application cycle., The E-Auction will be set-up so suppliers can see each other's bids but not the names of the suppliers to ensure anonymity. The Council are also unable to see the names of the bidders to ensure fairness., Bids will be reducible by increments of either 0,50 GBP or 1,00 GBP., Auction extension periods may be set within the following parameters, at any point during the duration of the agreement:, If a bid is placed in the last 5 minutes of the auction, the auction will automatically extend by a further 10 minutes to allow for further bids. There will be a maximum of 3 extensions, each 10 minutes long when a bid is received in the last 5 minutes., There will not be any negotiations of any of the substantive terms of the e-auction documents. Only clarification queries relating to the e-auction documents and pro contract will be answered., E-auctions will be held at least 2-3 days before route is required to commence., All E-Auction mini competitions will be awarded on 100 % price basis and subject to the terms and conditions as specified in the tender documents. The provision of a framework to conduct reverse e-auctions for Wiltshire Council Passenger Transport. Wiltshire Council (the 'Council') intends to establish a framework to enable the procurement of passenger transport services for small and specialist vehicles below 16 seats. These requirements will cover the whole of Wiltshire and also cover some out of county journeys. The Council's main aim is to appoint multiple suppliers to the framework for the provision of passenger transport services. Small and specialist vehicles covers:, — special educational needs transport — post-16 educational transport -— adult and child social care transport — demand responsive transport -— mainstream home to school transport., There will be 1 category on the framework. The mini-competitions run under this requirement will be: Reverse E-Auction mini-competitions — suppliers will receive pre e-auction email a minimum of 24 hours prior to the e-auction going live. Suppliers will be required to sign in and register their intent to bid on the auction prior to the e-auction going live. These will be small to large value mini-competitions as part of the PTU tender programme, where routes will be tendered by area over a potential 3-year cycle. This may also include some routes or contracts which have been handed back, new requirements and changes with passengers or passenger assistants. They will have contract lengths that allow them to be aligned with the 3-year phase application cycle.
Published Date :
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Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
60000000 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
Status :
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Buyer Information
Address :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors