Public Art Badbury Heights
Blandford Forum is a unique Georgina Market Town, as the centre was re-build after a serious of disastrous fires, which completely destroyed the town in 1731. Over the centuries since then, the town has continued to expand, in particular to the north. One of the latest developments to the north of the town is the phased development of Badbury Heights. Persimmon Homes allocated £52,000 to North Dorset District Council (NDDC), now Dorset Council, for the provision of Public Art (only) at the Badbury Heights housing development. The agreement states that NDDC should produce a Public Art Plan in consultation with the Town Council. However, the Town Council has offered to lead on this project due to timescales with the funding, which is due to expire at the end of 2019 and could then be taken back by the developer. The Town Council has therefore created a Public Art Plan for Badbury Heights and a working group has been formed (of Councillors, Blandford Arts Society, the Art department from The Blandford School and residents) to progress the project. Two consultations were held and a brief of the design, incorporating the responses, has been created.
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1 Possible Competitors