Public Bridleway repairs on the South Downs Way, Alfriston, East Sussex
This stretch of the South Downs Way is a public bridleway that runs through the historic village of Alfriston. The National Trail crosses the Cuckmere River over a bridleway bridge and makes its way along the river valley before it begins to climb the Downs. The access ramp, which runs down from the bridleway bridge, is starting to degrade with its retaining walls beginning to give way and its surface breaking up. The access ramps requires total replacement. There are also two short sections of public path that require surface repairs in order to provide improved access during the winter months. Location: Public bridleway (LON/27/1), Alfriston East Sussex, BN26 5TL. Grid reference: TQ 5229 0310. We plan to replace the entire (25 metre-long) access ramp that runs up to the bridleway bridge and improve on its design by increasing the useable width (to 2 metres) and to provide a passing place at the top. We intend to use more resilient construction materials that will not perish in damp soil conditions.
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CPV Codes
45000000 - Construction work
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1 Possible Competitors