Public Realm Designer Services for Public Places in the Heart of Todmorden Project
The Borough Council of Calderdale (the Council) invites you to submit a Tender for Public Realm Designer Services for Public Places in the Heart of Todmorden Project. The Project aims to deliver changes to Bramsche Square, Todmorden, and adjoining areas surrounding the Market Hall to create a vibrant and green town square in the centre of Todmorden that supports a thriving local economy and cultural sector, encourages more visitors to the town and promotes walking and cycling over the use of private vehicles. This will be achieved by: • Creating a flexible town square and public realm capable of supporting a range of events • Removing some parking in Bramsche Square to create a new town square and improving the pedestrian experience in the centre of Todmorden • Improving access to and the visibility of the current Market Hall • Improving the experience of the outdoor market by improving access and services (including electrical supply, water and drainage) and catering to a broad range of potential traders • Exploring opportunities for renewable power generation for the market • Increased green space and planting • Reducing opportunities for and perceptions of crime and anti-social behaviour • Reducing the impact of flooding • Exploring opportunities for community stewardship of public green space and promoting co-design approaches The Project is funded by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) Towns Fund and delivered by the Council. The Council is seeking to appoint a Public Realm Designer to provide RIBA Workstage 2 to RIBA Workstage 6 services and undertake the Principal Designer role. Further details are provided in Appendix A - Public Realm Designer Scope of Services.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors