Public Sector Equality Duty Disability Literature Review
The Single Financial Guidance Body (SFGB) is subject to the Public-Sector Equality Duty (PSED) which is part of the Equality Act and is a proactive strategic duty on public bodies and others carrying out public functions. The PSED is also an evidence driven duty and knowing your customers is an essential element of this. SFGB puts a very strong focus on customer information, evidence and segmentation. Whilst that evidence may not always be directly focused on protected characteristics in some cases such as the Financial Capability Strategy it is in relation to some characteristics such as sex and age. In other cases, there is detailed data which is collected, for example in relation to race and to an extent disability, which is not necessarily widely utilised, but it is available. Whilst these foundations will be extremely useful for SFGB in moving forward with the PSED there are still some very significant gaps, tasks and challenges. SFGB are looking to appoint a supplier to undertake a wide-ranging and comprehensive review of literature, to include both UK and international sources, concerning disability and the accessibility of services. In addition to the data or literature held by SFGB, the nominated agency shall review academic, government, commercial and 'grey' literature. ILC shall utilise academic databases as well as Google, Scholar and other search engines to gather relevant information.
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CPV Codes
98200000 - Equal opportunities consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors