Purchase of Dynamic Mechanical Analyser At LANCASTER UNIVERISTY
The University is inviting tenders on the terms set out in this ITT for the supply, delivery and installation of a dynamic mechanical analyser (DMA). The dynamic mechanical analyser must be able to measure the transient mechanical properties of a wide range of materials, from soft hydrogels to metals, over a range of load modalities, i.e. tension, compression and bending, in several different possible forms, such as fibres, films and bulk materials. It is to operate over a range of frequencies and environmental conditions (both cryogenic and highly elevated temperatures for creep testing). The DMA will be installed in a materials preparation laboratory within the School of Engineering and will be used to support academic research, student training and local industries. The equipment is expected to be installed by the 28th of March 2025.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors