Q.1516 Healthy Prestatyn Primary Care Services Branding, Website & App Design
This quote is for the procurement of services for the completion of a Brand Identity, Website, Mobile Phone App, and associated materials for Healthy Prestatyn Primary Care Services during the period December 2015 to 31st March 2016.Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board invite quotations for the following specification from organisations, individuals or consortium that can carry out the proposed activities detailed in this document. The successful bidder will provide advice on the Brand Identity; create associated materials, website design and mobile Phone App for Healthy Prestatyn.The Provider will be required to::•Offer advice on the proposed Healthy Prestatyn Brand, and in particular how it can be applied to a website and associated technology, including a Smartphone app•Design a style for a Healthy Prestatyn website which is contemporary, whilst still being fully accessible (for example for users with visual impairment)•Design a navigation tree for a Healthy Prestatyn website which fits with, and builds upon, the above style•Create a suite of icons which can be used within the website and app•Create a secure, password protected staff-only section of the website which can be used by the Healthy Prestatyn service as an intranet-type site•Provide advice on the incorporation of patient-feedback tools so that our website and app can be used as the preferred platform for collecting, and then collating, feedback following consultations•Set up the agreed website infrastructure using a platform which can subsequently be managed by the Healthy Prestatyn service team, for example using WordPress or a similar platform•Develop a complimentary mobile phone App that can be personalised to the individual, this should include the website functionality where possible•The website will be required to be bilingualIt is expected that the provider should be able to demonstrate a wide knowledge of brand development, marketing and website development skills.2.2RequirementThe successful bidder is required to help develop the Healthy Prestatyn Brand through the review of the current Logo, incorporating the final branding into the design of the Website and App and to develop a suite of Graphics to support the launch and roll out of Healthy Prestatyn services.NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at
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1 Possible Competitors