QIPP Opportunity Identification support for Arden & GEM CSU
We are looking for a partner to undertake some analysis on the impact of and opportunity for QIPP schemes and savings based on current best practice and evaluated, successful schemes elsewhere. This analysis would include an underlying analysis of historical acute activity informed on detailed profiling of local schemes to allow their impact to be identified in the acute data set. The provider would work with our analytic and redesign teams, as well as customer CCGs, to gain insight to inform the analysis and support in the presentation of findings and insight and the conclusion of the work. 1.An analysis of a CCGs current QIPP schemes to identify the key markers which will allow the impact to be identified within SUS activity 2.Evaluation of the impact of those schemes 3.Compare the CCG schemes with other successful schemes utilised by other CCGs to: 4.Identify opportunities for further savings We would wish to work jointly with three CCGs with focus in each on areas of specific priority. Wolverhampton CCG, East Leicestershire and Rutland CCG and Birmingham Cross City CCGs. The work should commence as quickly as possible and we would expect it to take a maximum of 3 weeks per review.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71621000 - Technical analysis or consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors