QU803 - Focus Group Sessions for Director of Public Health Annual Report 2022-23 - AWARD
The Council requires a supplier for the provision of Focus Group Sessions for Director of Public Health (DPH) Annual Report 2022-23. This contract will be for a period of 2 months commencing 15th August 2022 until 17th October 2022. The requirement for focus group research in the DPH Annual Report is driven by the need to illustrate and understand citizen's voices within the work of Public Health and Birmingham City Council. In particular, the feedback from these focus groups will provide us with a snapshot of attitudes and perceptions from Birmingham residents. This will allow us to measure general levels of support or opposition towards an increase in the use of digital technology to improve health. For each focus group, providers will be required to: o recruit participants. o ensure that the setting for the focus group/s is a safe and accessible environment which considers the needs of the group member/s. o ensure participants complete consent forms for participation including audio-recordings. o capture data relating to the views of citizens around the use of digital technology in improving their own health as well as the wider health of the public. o gain a greater understanding of these views through appropriate analysis of the data. o capture specific quotes from participants in relation to the topic of digital technology and health. o conduct conversations in person or via web-based video calls (or other non-face to face methods where practical). We are looking to fund a series of focus groups. Providers may bid for a minimum of one and a maximum of three focus groups. Each bid must be for a separate target group. See below. Lot A - Asian and Asian British Adults (18+) Lot B - Adults (18+) with a physical or mental health condition or illness Lot C - Faith Lot D - LGBTQ+ Lot E - Older adults (65+) Lot F - Unemployed and/or in receipt Universal Credit Lot G - Younger Adults (16-25) Lot H - Black/ African/ Caribbean or Black British Adults (18+) The Council will be using its free to use e-tendering system (in-tend) for the administration of this procurement process and potential suppliers must register with the system to be able to express an interest. If you wish to express an interest in this opportunity, please click on the following link to access and submit your details to register. You will then be sent details on how to log on which will enable you to download all relevant quotation documentation. If you are unable to register with In-tend or have any questions or problems on how to use this web site please either email us at: Your completed tender submission should be returned by noon on 26th July 2022 via the 'in-tend' system
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85322000 - Community action programme
85323000 - Community health services
85000000 - Health and social work services
85140000 - Miscellaneous health services
75200000 - Provision of services to the community
85100000 - Health services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
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Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors