Qualitative project examining disabled people's experiences with activities and services.
The Contracting Body are seeking a Supplier to conduct in-depth interviews with people with a range of disability experiences, including a variety of impairment types, range of locations (including rural and urban experiences), gender balance and range of ages, people from minority ethnic groups, from different socioeconomic backgrounds and with different employment statuses. The Contract Body are also seeking a Supplier who will provide preliminary analysis of the data collected. This qualitative research will examine disabled people's access to and engagement with activities, goods and services, including examining the barriers that people may face and how these can be overcome. The aim is for the findings of this research to inform policy and service provision, enabling disabled people's needs to be met more effectively. Additionally, the findings may help to inform thinking on the development of regulations that ensure disabled people can have the maximum possible participation with society in their daily lives.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
73110000 - Research services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors