Quality Trusted Solutions (QTS) Find a Tender Service Consultants Framework
QTS is a wholly owned subsidiary company of Central & North West London NHS Foundation Trust. QTS is acting in its own right and for and on behalf of CNWL (the 'Authority'). QTS as the Authority is issuing this opportunity for both QTS and CNWL. Awarded suppliers will be authorised to provide services for both CNWL and QTS in connection with this 'Find a Tender Service Consultancy Framework'. QTS was established in 2017 to manage the estates and facilities functions of CNWL across 150+ sites, and to market its services within the wider healthcare sector to deliver estates and facilities solutions across London and the South East of England. CNWL remains QTS primary customer, and it engages QTS to deliver its annual capital programme of capital projects to its properties, with an average annual value of up to £15m. This investment is targeted at delivering major property improvements and upgrades to ensure patients and service users are cared for in a safe, therapeutic and comfortable environment. This 12 Lot Consultants Framework will include the following disciplines to facilitate the delivery of QTS's new build and refurbishment schemes over the Framework's 4-year term: •Lot 1 - Architects (medium/large, schemes greater than £2m project value) •Lot 2 - Architects (small/medium, schemes less than £2m project value) •Lot 3 - Cost Consultants •Lot 4 - M&E Engineering •Lot 5 - Building Surveyors •Lot 6 - Structural Engineering •Lot 7 - Principal Designer •Lot 8 - Property Consulting Advice •Lot 9 - Strategic Estates Advice •Lot 10 - Fire Safety Training •Lot 11 - Project Management •Lot 12 - Clerk of Works Please note that potential suppliers can apply to all Lots on the Framework but can only apply to either Lot 1 (medium/large, schemes greater than £2m project value) OR Lot 2 (small/medium, schemes less than £2m project value).
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors