Quantify the impacts of alternate heat decarbonisation pathways on UK electricity and gas infrastructure in 2050
1.Introduction and summary of requirements / Preamble The Committee on Climate Change was set up as part of the Climate Change Act. The Committee is an independent body tasked with providing advice to government on climate change issues, particularly the setting of carbon budgets for the UK. 2.Background The CCC's advice on carbon budgets is based on detailed modelling of a range of technologies and behaviours that could be deployed across the economy. Using that modelling, the CCC has developed scenarios for deployment of technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 2020 , 2030 and to 2050 . These are intended to demonstrate possible ways in which carbon budgets and the 2050 target could be met, estimate the economic cost of doing so, and identify barriers to delivery and consider how these could be overcome. *** Please Specification/ITT for more detail ***
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