Quantum Roadmapping Lot C
This mission will develop and commercially exploit quantum navigation systems that are small and robust enough to be deployed on aircraft (amongst other moving platforms/ systems), combining technologies such as quantum clocks, inertial measurement units (IMU) including subcomponents such as accelerometers and rotation sensors/gyroscopes, as well as embedding technologies for ultra-precise mapping. Mobile platforms beyond aircraft (ground, air, sea, etc.) should be considered within scope in terms of the technology roadmap. It forms part of a longer-term aim to reach chip-scale - unlocking the ability to integrate these systems into mobile phone-sized systems - and will therefore include facilitation of the fabrication and manufacturing capabilities needed to achieve this. The approach will deliver on a core element of the government's Position, Navigation & Timing (PNT) Policy Framework published on 18th October 2023 (point 10) to accelerate R&D into quantum navigation and the next generation of optical clocks. The PNT/quantum PNT market is not expected to approach the size of larger markets where quantum technologies will play an important role, e.g., autonomous vehicles, chip-scale, healthcare, or CNI. Overlaps with these market opportunities will therefore be crucial for making the case for a good return on investment within the business case for Mission 4.
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1 Possible Competitors