Quotation for Bespoke Wedding Photography and Videography at Selected Venues within Sandwell MBC WBP0407
Quotation Title: Quotation for Bespoke Wedding Photography and Videography at Selected Venues within Sandwell MBC WBP0407 Quotation Description SMBC are looking to appoint a suitable contractor to supply bespoke Wedding Venue and Service Videography and Photography as part of the Wedding Business Plan for the use in Wedding Marketing materials. The imagery will provide SMBC with a portfolio of high quality digital marketing assets that has a consistent brand message across all sites. The contractor would be required to supply - Full high-resolution images for print - Smaller resolution images, reels, shorts and covers for social media and youtube - Staff headshot stills for print and social media - Up to 6 per venue - Stills for print, social channels and websites - Bespoke videography of each venue listed below and a montage of all sites at the end of the project. - An online gallery and loaded USB for each venue The Council will be using the In-tend e-Tendering System for this Procurement exercise, please visit to access the Sandwell MBC In-tend Supplier Portal. From here you will be able to register your company, express an interest in the opportunity, and gain immediate access to Quotation or other related documents. To submit a quotation, you will be required to 'Opt In'. For a Step by Step user guide to the Sandwell MBC In-tend Supplier Portal please click on the `Guidance for Suppliers` section of the website. All procurement responses must be carried out via the Sandwell MBC In-tend Supplier Portal. If you require further assistance in respect of the system, please contact the In-tend support team on 0844 272 8810. Closing date:15th September 2023 @ 15:00hrs
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
92100000 - Motion picture and video services
79960000 - Photographic and ancillary services
Status :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
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Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors