QWEST Learning and Skills for Employment
The University of Wales, Newport is the lead sponsor for QWEST, the project aims to make a significant contribution to raising levels of employment and reducing economic inactivity in South East Wales. It operates under Priority 2 Theme 1 of the Convergence programme in three Local Authorities.The QWEST project will contract with organisations that engage with economically inactive people, many of whom will have multiple barriers; and prepare them for employment through the use of a range of activities that build their confidence and skills to move towards sustainable employment. QWEST will encourage organisations to adhere to the principles of a work progression model, which emphasises the development of the individual, not just to equip them for today’s job, but also to provide them with the skills to compete in a ever changing labour market. What we will be tendering for: QWEST will seek suppliers to develop and submit proposals to deliver high quality activities and opportunities for economically inactive and unemployed individuals that will result in positive outcomes for those individuals. The total amount available at the beginning of the project to support the QWEST is £ 7.852 million. Tenders will be invited at intervals targeting specific outcomes with named groups of participants at specific levels of contract.QWEST will be seeking services from suppliers that can offer to bring match funding as added value in their contract delivery. This will not apply to all contacts, but will be applied to those above the threshold of total contract value £25,000 and will be one of the core criteria in our invitation to tender.To obtain further information in the form of a Briefing Document and Pre-Qualification Questionnaire please access the etender Wales website. Please register on this site (free of charge) the web site address is project number is 19469 QWEST Learning for Skills and Development
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80400000 - Adult and other education services
Status :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
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Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors