Radio Frequency Cyber Penetration Test Facility for Future Wireless Connectivity
Wireless connectivity is an essential enabler for the networks that underpin modern life, providing communications for people, vehicles, machines, infrastructure, and the wide variety of devices that make up the Internet of Things (IoT). When deployed within critical infrastructure, disruption via cyber-attack could have catastrophic consequences, however, little attention has been given to such intrusions via the wireless interface, or the Open RF Attack Surface. Here, vulnerabilities of the wireless physical layer and lower layers of the protocol stack could be exploited. Hence the need for resilient, agile, and sustainable wireless technology for future communications systems. This is the focus of the SWAN Prosperity Partnership. So far, the project has built a comprehensive penetration testbed using LoRaWAN as a candidate technology. The next step will be to extend the penetration testing capability of technologies to include commercial 4G/5G devices. This assessment needs to be conducted in isolation from public networks, avoid radio frequency (RF) emissions, and immerse such devices within a fully emulated network. Equipment to establish and maintain a 4G LTE or 5G NR connection with either a smart phone or data modem independent of the UK cellular network is sought. A cabled or galvanic RF connection from such equipment is required to establish and maintain connection with a user device, or via an over the air connection within a fully screened enclosure. Although not the intended use here, this equipment is often referred as a handset tester or basestation and network emulator. The funding allocated for this equipment is circa £210,000 (ex VAT). Tenders received above this value may be discounted.
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1 Possible Competitors