RAF Brize Norton Airspace Change Proposal - CAA CAP 1616
REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) ONLY * The Authority submit a RFI for the below opportunity: The Provision of Subject Matter Expert Support to RAF Brize Norton for CAP 1616 stage 2 & 4 Airspace Change. * FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING THE OPPORTUNITY CAN BE FOUND AT THE ATTACHED RFI AND STATEMENT OF REQUIREMENT AT: Please submit your interest with any supporting documents and any estimated costs to via the DSP. This RFI is not a commitment to launch a formal procurement procedure or ask potential suppliers to express an interest in the requirement. This RFI will give potential suppliers the opportunity to comment on the proposed requirement and perhaps offer alternative solutions which might produce better value for money. The Authority reserves the right to choose not to approach the market for formal expressions of interest, and if potential suppliers choose to act on any information, it is entirely at their own risk. Any resulting formal procurement procedure will be conducted competitively. Potential suppliers will bear all costs associated with preparing and submitting the RFI responses. The Authority will not be liable for the costs of any work or effort incurred by potential suppliers participating in this RFI, including where the Authority decides not to launch a formal procurement procedure. The Authority reserves the right to seek clarification or additional documents in respect of potential suppliers' responses where necessary. Potential suppliers' responses to an RFI may be marked as commercially sensitive if they include technical, financial or other commercially sensitive information. No RFI responses provided by potential suppliers will be carried forward, used or acknowledged for the purpose of evaluating the potential supplier in any formal procurement procedure. If a potential supplier does not respond to this RFI, it will not prevent their participation in a formal procurement
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
Status :
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Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors