RAF148/2223 Phase 1- Scoping Study on Longevity of Insulation Retrofits
***** THIS IS AN AWARD NOTICE, NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION ***** This procurement is being concluded following a competitive procurement exercise. Brief Description of Requirement. This is the first phase of a two phase project looking to quantify the impact of degradation of insulation retrofits over time, and characterise the effective lifetime of different insulation measures. This first phase will primarily be concerned with reviewing available literature and data to summarise the current state of knowledge on longevity and degradation of retrofits. This will be used to deliver recommendations on methodology and sampling for a representative survey of the UK's housing stock to gather data on performance over a 40- year period of the most commonly installed insulation measures. This first phase of the project will deliver the following outputs: 1. A literature review 2. The technical analysis report 3. The field study sampling & methodology recommendations
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1 Possible Competitors