Railway Housing Association Grounds Maintenance Procurement
Railway Housing Association is a registered charity, No.1188450 and a Registered Provider of Social Housing. Founded in 1919, they own just over 1,600 homes in 24 English local authority areas, mainly concentrated around Darlington, Doncaster, Durham, East Riding, Hull, Leeds, Newcastle and York. These homes are split approximately between 65% Independent Living (over 55) and 35% General Needs. They also manage 5 leasehold developments in the North East of England. For more information about the location of Railway HA's homes please click the link below. More than 90% of these homes are set in communal gardens which are maintained upon behalf of residents by Railway HA. The current contract, which expires in April 2024 has been in place for 5 years and is packaged as a single lot, delivered by a single contractor. A PCR 2015 compliant single-stage Open Competition to re-procure these services will be published on Monday 14 February 2024. Railway HA recognises that because of the wide stock dispersal, offering the contract as a single lot would present a barrier to Micro / SME participation in the competition and so has decided to split the opportunity into multiple lots. A GIS project to accurately map exact grounds maintenance and arboriculture requirements on an individual scheme basis is already at an advanced stage and will conclude before the Open Competition is published. The final Lot structure for rented properties will be confirmed once the GIS project is complete, but it will comprise multiple lots based on geographical alignment and similar approximate contract values, with no restrictions on the number of Lots any one supplier can bid on, or win. Additionally, the 5 Leasehold developments will each be offered as an individual Lot in order to fulfil Railway HA's obligations to Leaseholders. As with the rented property lots, there will be no restriction on the number of Lots any one supplier can bid on, or win. To receive updates about the upcoming competition please register your interest using the email provided.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
77300000 - Horticultural services
Status :
Assign to :
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Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors