Ramblers Cymru - Paths to Wellbeing benches
Ramblers Cymru - Paths to Wellbeing benchesBrief Description of Services Required:Paths to Wellbeing is a collaborative project to improve people’s access to a more biodiverse Wales. Ramblers Cymru wishes to install 36 benched across 18 community in Wales.We are looking to purchase 36 wooden benches made in Wales with the ability to offer 2 different styles:Option 1 is a standard 5ft wooden bench – this can be bolted down onto a hard surfaceOption 2 is a 5ft long legged wooden bench – this would need to be dug into the ground .We would also like the option of an Inscription routed to bench back and be quoted per letter.Please email Hannah Wilcox Brooke with a quote of the above including a price breakdown of the individual bench price per style and delivery cost to 18 locations all across Wales. 1 in every county.Estimated Deadline: September 2022Key Contact Details:Hannah Wilcox Brooke, Project Manager, Paths to and OverviewThe Welsh Government’s Enabling Natural Resources and Wellbeing (ENRAW) has awarded funds for Ramblers Cymru to deliver a pan-Wales access and nature focused project. Working regionally, the project will facilitate community volunteering to enhance local green spaces, nature and access. In partnership with local authorities and environmental NGOs, Regional Officers will help identify alignments between nature and access objectives, acting as catalysts and facilitators to deliver action against the strategic plans and business objectives of partners and Ramblers Cymru.The project works with 18 communities across Wales. Through community and partner consultation, and engagement with new and existing volunteers, each region is benefiting from investment in infrastructure and equipment that drives forward the ambitions, and meets the local need, for better quality, more biodiverse, more accessible green spaces. In addition to staff in each of the 6 regions (aligned with NRW Area Statements), each regional officer has access to capital and revenue funding for infrastructure and equipment, volunteer recruitment and training, promotional material (including site-specific materials), and development support (to identify ongoing funding and additional resources).NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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1 Possible Competitors