
Ramblers Cymru - Paths to Wellbeing Geohub online data presentation


Ramblers Cymru - Paths to Wellbeing Geohub Online Data PresentationBrief Description of Services Required:Paths to Wellbeing is a collaborative project to improve people’s access to a more biodiverse Wales. Ramblers Cymru wishes to appoint a geospatial data developer to create a microsite to showcase the newly created walking routes as part of the Paths to Wellbeing Project.The bi-lingual (Welsh and English) Paths to Wellbeing microsite will be a subsite of the Ramblers main website (CMS built using Drupal) that will focus on displaying footpath walking routes for Wales. Said walking routes will be those designed and approved via the Paths to Wellbeing project and its stakeholders, with future intentions to also include any remaining public routes of Ramblers Cymru.The main purpose for this newly created microsite is to promote Paths to Wellbeing walking routes and showcase the work of Ramblers Cymru and volunteers throughout Wales in an interactive manner. PDF versions of every route will also be accessible via the interactive map to download (giving a form of “offline” functionality), in addition to photo galleries highlighting points of interest. Furthermore, branded static content pages (i.e about us, contact us) will be essential to create continuity between this new site and the Ramblers main site.It is a core requirement that all geospatial data be located and accessed through the GeoHub (Ramblers geospatial data package, built and managed by Astun Technology). Similarly, the microsite needs to be designed with the intention to eventually integrate with the main Ramblers website. Both requirements are essential for sustainability and longevity.Estimated Deadline: September 2022Key Contact Details:Hannah Wilcox Brooke, Project Manager, Paths to Marshall-Mills, Monitoring Officer, Paths to Wellbeingjoe.marshall-mills and OverviewThe Welsh Government’s Enabling Natural Resources and Wellbeing (ENRAW) has awarded funds for Ramblers Cymru to deliver a pan-Wales access and nature focused project. Working regionally, the project will facilitate community volunteering to enhance local green spaces, nature and access.  In partnership with local authorities and environmental NGOs, Regional Officers will help identify alignments between nature and access objectives, acting as catalysts and facilitators to deliver action against the strategic plans and business objectives of partners and Ramblers Cymru.The project works with 18 communities across Wales. Through community and partner consultation, and engagement with new and existing volunteers, each region is benefiting from investment in infrastructure and equipment that drives forward the ambitions, and meets the local need, for better quality, more biodiverse, more accessible green spaces.  In addition to staff in each of the 6 regions (aligned with NRW Area Statements), each regional officer has access to capital and revenue funding for infrastructure and equipment, volunteer recruitment and training, promotional material (including site-specific materials), and development support (to identify ongoing funding and additional resources).The 2 year project ends June 2023.Website RequirementsProminent design and ease of use regarding the bi-lingual aspect of the website (translations will be provided).Walking route geospatial data will need to be drawn from the GeoHub (Ramblers’ GIS data base) and displayed with functionality to be able to filter (i.e between locations/ communities, family friendly or not).For all data to be displayed on appropriate base mapping, namely OpenStreetMap and OS (subject to licensing).A GeoHub focused workflow (GeoJSON) will need to be designed to accommodate ad-hoc/ ongoing data change requests (i.e route diversions, missing data). Note: this will need to be managed through iShare (Geohub viewing/ annotating platform for Ramblers staff).To be designed alongside the new Ramblers brand guidelines and values, showcased on the new Ramblers GB website (launched 2022 - CMS built using Drupal).To be designed with the ability to later integrate newly created microsite with Ramblers main website. Considerations should be made at this stage to arrange flowlines between the Geohub and Ramblers App so no data loss occurs.For general public to access walking route information and associated points of interest across Wales (length, start and finish points, directions, great views, waterfall, unique art, etc.) in both an interactive online and offline manner (via the use of downloadable walking leaflet PDFs – currently in design).For public to view the impact of the project via physical changes made to the path network (most likely via case studies on separate content page).Ongoing maintenance and hosting of site created until July 2025 (date dependant on integration with Ramblers main website).For Google Analytics to be coded into the site and results viewable by the marketing and comms. team.For Ramblers Cymru social feeds to be integrated into the site (most likely viewable on additional content pages).Structure of ProposalThe proposal should include:Background and experience of the applicant organisation and staff.Examples of prior work with GIS and various maps (OS/ OSM/ Google).Understanding of the requirements (as listed above) and how you will be able to achieve these aims.A proposed programme of work (including timelines, dependencies, and supporter package for maintenance).Contact details for two references.Any terms and conditions.For further information regarding the tender please contact Hannah Wilcox Brooke or Joe Marshall-Mills on the email address above.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at


Published Date :

12th Jul 2022 2 years ago

Deadline :

2nd Aug 2022 2 years ago

Contract Start :


Contract End :


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Status :


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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors