Rapid Learning and Development Process - Refinement of the Model of Care on behalf of West London CCG
NHS West London CCG is INVITING PROPOSALS with QUOTATIONS to seek quotations from suitable providers for an external provider to provide Organisational Development to support the delivery of the full Model of Care in a number of exemplar teams. A contract will be awarded to the provider who best meets the CCG's requirements to adequately complete the rapid learning process which is designed to focus on some key challenges that have been highlighted in the first 12 - 15 months of the MCMW programme within the 3 month period and represent value for money. Based on proposals received the highest scoring proposal will be awarded the contract, the Preferred Provider will be expected to sign up to the short form National Standard NHS Contract and all the terms and provisions contained therein. The key deliverables are: •Leadership development - the provider will be expected to support the exemplar practices in setting direction for MCMW programme and encouraging leaders to emerge from this process. •Relationship building - this will be vital in achieving joint ownership of the programme among different providers •Motivation - a high staff turnover rate has been reported, the provider will be expected to work with MCMW staff to understand the core issues affecting staff morale. This deliverable is seen as the most important aspect which will deliver improvements across individual and organisational performance •Standardisation of MCMW provision - one of the main issues reported has been the variation in the delivery of the programme. A standardised core offer is expected to result in improved performance and joint ownership of the programme among providers. The duration will be 3 months, with one optional extension of a further 1 month at the CCG's discretion and dependent upon success and resources. It is intended that the new service will commence as soon as possible following contract award with latest start date 8 May 2017.
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Tender Awarded :
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Tender Regions
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors