Rapid Scoping review of the impacts of wildfire on natural and semi-natural habitats
To develop an understanding of the impacts of wildfire upon terrestrial ecosystems, Natural England is commissioning a rapid scoping review of the evidence of the impacts of wildfire upon natural and semi-natural habitats (as defined in the Request for Quotation document) found in the UK. The specific questions that require addressing are: a)What is the effect of wildfire in the UK upon peatland and soil function (where function is the ability to act naturally in either a biological or hydrological capacity) of semi-natural habitats (as defined above)? b)What is the effect of wildfire in the UK upon the vegetation community composition and structure of semi-natural habitats (as defined above)? c)What is the effect of wildfire in the UK upon the carbon budget of semi-natural habitats (as defined above)? d)What is the effect of wildfire in the UK upon the hydrology and water quality of semi-natural habitats (as defined above)? e)What is the evidence that UK semi-natural habitats (as defined above) subjected to wildfire have recovered and over what timescale? f)What restoration interventions are needed to expedite restoration of UK semi-natural habitats (as defined above) following a wildfire event?
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73110000 - Research services
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1 Possible Competitors