RDE 423 - Communicating climate change information
The aim of this work is to explore public views on climate change information related to flooding and coastal change, using these insights to create guidance for authorities on creating and presenting information and using it in conversations about adaptation. This project aim will be achieved through the following project objectives, which are to: 1. Review academic and practitioner evidence on best practice in using information to communicate and engage with the public on future change. 2. Explore views of at-risk communities on effective communication of future flood and coastal risk by conducting workshops in 4 areas. 3. Report lessons learnt on presenting and sharing information to communicate and engage with the at-risk public on future flood and coastal erosion risks. This first phase of the project will cover objective 1 and conduct preparatory work for objective 2. There is the possibility of a second phase to conduct community workshops and report on findings (not included in this tender). This contract was awarded by EA.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors