RDE 431 - Establishing a knowledge and data Exchange Network
The overall aim of this project is to collect and analyse data and knowledge from farms to better understand the effectiveness of IPM approaches on farm yield and profitability. The aim of the first part of this project, covered in a separate proposal document, was to establish the network framework for and secure engagement of a small sample of IPM-practicing farms that will collect and share data about their farm (including IPM practices). The second part of this project aims to work with the network to collect the data and produce an assessment of the effectiveness of IPM approaches on farm profitability and yield. This is the focus of this document. The objectives of the second part of the project are to: 1. Collect, process, and clean data from the sample of farms based on the framework and initial members established in Part 1. 2. Analyse the data from the sample to assess the effectiveness of IPM approaches on farm profitability and yield. 3. Disseminate findings This contract was awarded by DEFRA.
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1 Possible Competitors