RDE603 Impact and Future of the Private Water Supplies Regulatory Model
The current regulatory model and legislative framework were introduced in a major overhaul of the legislation in 2010, in response to infraction proceedings by the European Commission. The regulatory model in Wales and England is the same, however there are subtle difference in legislation, which were introduced by subsequent revisions and amendments. These regulations replaced the 1991 regulations. Ten years on, it is not obvious what impact there has been on the quality and sufficiency of these private water supplies. As the legislation is no longer tied to Council Directive 98/83/EC, this driver for review and enhancement is gone. The risks of not understanding what impact has been made during the ten years, are that possible weaknesses will not be addressed and opportunities for improvement will be missed. This information can be used to inform any potential future policy direction in this area to protect those relying on a private water supply from associated health risks. The Drinking Water Inspectorate (the Inspectorate) collates water sampling results for private water supplies from local authorities, together with summary information on supply risk assessments and copies of notices served to secure wholesome and/or sufficient supplies, where they have been provided. The data returns from local authorities also constitute a national register of the private water supplies in England and Wales, including details of their supply type, location and use. Research aims The aims of the initial project were to understand for Wales and England separately; 1. What impact the legislative framework for private water supplies has had on the protection of the health of consumers through securing safe and sufficient supplies, and 2. How the regulatory model and legislative framework could be improved.
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