RDE215: Review of skills gap and training requirements for the implementation of Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) and Schedule 3 to the Floods and Water Management Act (2010)
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has reviewed the case to implementing Schedule 3 to the FWMA and subject to final decisions on scope, threshold and process following a public consultation, schedule 3 will be implemented during 2024. The SAB will sit with the unitary authority or county council. Successful implementation of Schedule 3 will depend on professionals with the skills and knowledge to design, construct, assess and maintain SuDS. To do this effectively, local authorities must be able to access expertise in water quality, biodiversity, and amenity, among other aspects. Likewise, industry will require a sufficient pool of SuDS professionals to ensure consistent, high-quality design and implementation. Aims and objectives of the research project The aims of this research project are to: 1. Provide evidence on the depth and extent of SuDS knowledge across the construction industry and the potential approval bodies in England; 2. Report on what skills and knowledge would be required to successfully implement Schedule 3 as written, and identify gaps in skills and knowledge; and 3. Report on what training, upskilling, human and financial resources would be required to bridge the gaps in skills and knowledge currently evident in England.
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