RDE639 Technical Aspects of Digital Product Passports
Product data, for example on chemicals in products, is often lost through supply chains and over time, and this can result in wasted resources, pollution, and harm to human health. Defra is exploring options to address this issue and has completed research engaging with waste operators and suppliers, seeking to understand what information is needed and how it could best be communicated to make it practically useful. We are interested in the communication of product data more broadly, not just information about chemicals. We are interested in all the information that could be required in EU DPPs. The EU is developing its solution to this issue: Digital Product Passports (DPPs). DPPs will require product suppliers to communicate a range of information about their products (specific to the item, batch, or product model), including material composition. DPPs will be rolled out across a range of product groups. Information requirements will be tailored to product-groups, but all DPPs will be interoperable. Research aims: to improve Defra's understanding of the technical aspects of EU Digital Product Passports (DPPs), and what technical work would need to be undertaken to develop a UK version of DPPs.
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