RDE413 Underwater Noise Management in Highly Protected Marine Areas
The project We are seeking to commission work with the following aim and requirements. Aim: • Review and recommend underwater noise management and monitoring to prevent damaging levels of underwater noise in 3 HPMAs (Allonby Bay, North East of Farnes Deep and Dolphin Head). • Advise how the outputs and recommendations of this project can be applied to inform management and monitoring of future HPMA sites. For the purposes of this work 'damaging levels' should be interpreted as levels of noise that are not compatible with meeting the HPMAs' conservation objective. Scope The work will cover both continuous and impulsive noise from commercial and recreational activities. It will focus on the three current HPMAs, while considering application of outputs to potential future sites. It will focus on the species present within the three HPMAs, and those which transit/migrate through the site. It will consider activities both inside and outside the sites that have the potential to impact on the sites' conservation objectives. The full range of
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1 Possible Competitors