RDE642 Zooplankton analysis for Allonby Bay HPMA
HPMAs are areas of the sea that allow for the protection and full recovery of marine ecosystems. By designating areas of sea with high levels of protection, HPMAs will allow nature to fully recover to a more natural state, allowing the ecosystem to thrive. They prohibit extractive, destructive and depositional uses, allowing only non-damaging levels of other activities to the extent permitted by international law. HPMAs will protect all species and habitats and associated ecosystem processes within the site boundary, including the seabed and water column. This means gathering comprehensive evidence of the effectiveness of the HPMA in delivering biodiversity recovery will be critical. Natural England is commissioning ecological survey work in 2024/2025 to continue collecting baseline data on the environmental state of Allonby Bay Highly Protected Marine Area (HPMA). As part of the evidence gathering of the HPMAs pilot project, water samples will be collected from the site monthly for zooplankton taxonomic identification. The water samples will be collected by the Environmental Agency who currently collect water samples for zooplankton analysis (undertaken by the Marine Biological Association) at nearby sites as part of their inshore monitoring programme. A new sample site within Allonby Bay will be established for this monthly monitoring project.
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